Eynsford Community Event- River Darent
March 21 @ 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm

The South East Rivers Trust are working to improve the health of the River Darent. A large weir near Old Mill Close, Eynsford, blocks fish passage up the river. South East Rivers Trust have plans to create a bypass around the weir. Meaning the weir will become passable whilst also creating valuable habitat and increasing biodiversity.
Weir’s fragment our rivers by creating obstacles for the passage of fish species travelling up our rivers. They also disrupt habitats and reduce natural silt transportation; vital for a rivers health. The proposed bypass creates an alternative route up the river, improving fish passage whilst also creating vital wetland habitat. Offering habitat opportunities for species such as wading birds, fish species and other aquatic life.
On Friday 21st March we are holding a community event in Eynsford Village Hall to share information on the proposed works as well as find out about the proposals and vision for the wider future of the River Darent.
There will be a local riverfly sample to show the invertebrate life within the river which is an important indicator of the rivers health with guides and information.
Children are more than welcome and there will be some fun activities for them.
Refreshments and cakes will be on offer.
Photos and video footage will be taken at this event and used by the Trust for promotional purposes (including but not limited to printed materials, social media, newsletters and the website) and potentially shared with our external partners and funders. From time to time, external media agencies could also take photos, film or record our events.